Saturday, July 24, 2010


To me no place stirs philosophical ruminations like a large grove of Aspen trees, deep in the woods, in the height of summer. Perhaps, as the largest living organism, the grove unites with the dreamer in me, the seeker of wisdom and truth, the never settled - always seeking
wanderer. In the deep shade of those old, gently whispering sages of peace and beauty I feel a nearness to the Creator as in no other place. The sun filtered through the leaves, the aroma of long grass, ancient trees and the fermenting forest floor impart a peace of mind unique, gentle and satisfying.

So, I begin my blog. Finally committing to the desire to communicate and impart my feelings, thoughts and ideas to someone else. At last beginning to fulfill the need to share my concerns, hopes, and dreams.

Questions persist: is this a good use of my time - does anyone else really care about the concerns and hopes of an aging dreamer? Will those that come after even read, or care enough to attempt to understand? Can the experiences, memories or advise that I choose to share have an impact on any other life - especially the lives of my offspring (Grandchildren will you listen - will you hear)?

Time will reveal - but the need persists and so I begin. If you share my thoughts, may they bring you pleasure; incite you to think, to contemplate, to reflect and to form opinions of your own; and, if I can find the way to express myself forcefully and clearly enough, to stimulate you to act, to grow, and hopefully to realize at least some, of your, as yet unrealized, potential.

I believe that God intends for each of us to expand to our greatest potential. I have felt the stirring, the pull of His force (spirit?) from my earliest days - from youth somehow knowing that we have a purpose as yet unfilled for which we must ever strive. I can remember, at the age of ten, questioning - seeking for the "why" of living. Now, I believe that we are on a journey that has only the smallest of beginnings in this age, in the short span of years that we have in this world; but, that this time is critical, that it serves us to build our foundation for what is to follow.

God's plan for us, His purpose in creating us, begins with this life of weak bodies; filled with joy and sorrow, times of fulfillment and times of abject discouragement. Until we acknowledge that a great many of the "whys" will not be answered now. Until we gain the understanding that this time is for learning to trust in Him, to follow Him because it is the right course to take; that we need to strive to live according to His laws, not because we fear the penalty or punishment of violation, but because those laws bring what is best for every segment of His creation. For me, the most important lesson is simple: Living His way results in the peace and harmony all rational humans desire.

These are the beginnings of my ruminations.

From the Aspen Grove: may this day be a good one for you, and may the Great God who loves you bless you and yours.

1 comment:

  1. Bill,
    I truly enjoyed reading your blog.
    It reminded me of when I was a child and would go to the creek bank with my Daddy and we would sit and fish. We, sometimes, would fish the day away and never catch a thing...but that didn't really matter to me (and I don't think it mattered to him either). It gave us a chance to talk and get to know each other. This was when I learned about God and the animals, flowers, clouds and other things that HE created.
    It was a time for Daddy to reflect on days gone by and he would tell me things that he did when he was a 'kid my age'. Even though he was a boy and I was a girl, it didn't seem to matter because time doesn't see sex, color, religion, social standing or age! Gee, I surely miss those times with him. As we live, we continue to grow. We're like the mighty oak....solid but branched off in many directions. But, if we're prayerful, then we, like the mighty oak, will forever lift our arms and our head up and thank the one from whom all blessings flow. God bless you as you continue with your blog. I look forward to reading each posting. Have a great day. Mary
