Wednesday, January 16, 2013


or, DOES PROHIBITION (of anything) WORK?

This morning while reading my posts on Face Book I came across the following question from a friend:

Honest question.  Do you believe that making something illegal, or severely restricting access to it, will either eliminate access to it altogether or significantly reduce the frequency of access to it?   If so, why?   If not, why not?

While I think this was posted to prompt discussion on "gun control" in response to the threats and charges propounded by the current administration and its Progressive "we must control all you do"  sycophants; my response is more in line with the underlying proposition contained within the question.  My response was:

"Succinctly, no and no.

This (these) question(s), of course, prompt one of the great moral and philosophical discussions of all ages (perhaps the greatest of all discussions - that of obedience to the Word of God).  Most of us know the results of the  prohibition recorded in Genesis (in the Holy Bible) against eating fruit from only one tree in the midst of garden rich with fruit.  Additional reading in Genesis reveals more prohibitions given by our Great Creator (for our benefit as He works only in the best interest of His creation), and more violations of those "laws" to the detriment of the lawbreakers.

In more current times consider the effect of the "prohibition" laws of the 1920's in the USA, or the current impact of the laws that comprise the "war on drugs."

These examples are representative of the battle of this age, the battle between good (the way given by God), and the way of evil (that of the great adversary - Satan).  This is the battle that honorable, ethical, truth and God seeking individuals fight in their individual lives each and every moment; striving with all their might and with the help of God to win.  Those aligned with the great adversary are also focused on winning.  Of course, victory by the latter, whether they fight knowingly or unknowingly, will bring physical destruction upon both.

That understanding, I believe, is a (the) most fundamental truth.

From where I sit, this conflict is the purpose of our age.  When the conflict is resolved in accordance with God's purpose (when mankind fully recognizes that only by choosing to live by what is right is the only path that leads to happiness, peace and truth - because choosing otherwise will not and cannot work, not because of any law of prohibition), then another age will begin in which this conflict is no longer an issue (Christians look to this age at the return of their Savior, Jesus Christ).  Then all who live will understand, and choose to follow (no longer influenced by the great adversary), without force or fear of penalty, those ways which promote only peace, harmony and well being for all.  Then laws of permission or prohibition will be not be required.  In my opinion, that is when the true purpose of God begins; this current age being only the prologue to its accomplishment - the time in which we prepare, individually, to attain all that He has planned for us.

We are then, blessed in our personal, day-to-day fight by the understanding that the God is on our side (those opposed the great adversary) and that ultimately victory for right, truth and love between all is assured!"

Reviewing my response as compared to the posted discussion (which related exclusively to comments in support of, or arguments against, "gun control," and/or other forms of controlling a United States citizen rights as defined by the Second Amendment), I became acutely aware that my thought processes are not as intimately involved with the current problems being argued in the town squares of our Nation (media, social sites, etc.) as I thought.  Rather, for me the overriding issue is: are we moving toward obedience to God and internalizing His directions and guidance - or are we sliding more and more toward opposition to Him - as individuals and consequently as a Nation: a people established in a commonwealth based upon laws intended to be coincidental with His.

To me that is the greater concern.

The move toward Progressivism, Socialism and ultimately, tyranny, and the inherent disregard and abridgement of the laws established by the Constitution, together with the movement toward the establishment of control over the intimate affairs of the lives of our citizens, is indicative of the move away from God's ways.  Coupled with the same group's rejection of: 1) protecting life of the innocent and, 2) supporting traditional, God directed, families consisting of two parents, one male and one female, committed to propagating, protecting and instruction their offspring, forces one to conclude that our society is indeed in deep trouble (nothing new here - right?).

The removal of God's blessing and support of our society and our Nation is most evident.  So, while I am greatly concerned with any abridgement of our rights under the Second Amendment and other guarantees of the Constitution, and while I share in the concerns and anxieties of my fellow citizens, I realize that my focus is less on the current issues and more on what I regard as the primary purpose of human life in this age: am I, are we, moving toward God by internalizing His ways, and as a matter of choice, electing to follow them because we understand that only His way works?  From my limited perspective in the Aspen Grove, I think we are, with increasing speed and momentum, moving toward greater and greater opposition to our Creator.  That should be worthy of more discussion than the loss of the Second Amendment rights, however important that may be.

From the Grove, may this day be a good one for you and may you and yours enjoy the blessings of God!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

 In 1830 Alexis DeTocqueville said: "I sought the key to the greatness and genius of America in her harbors, in her fertile fields, in her boundless forests, in her rich mines, in her vast world commerce, in her public systems of education and institutions of higher learning. I sought for it in her democratic congress and her matchless Constitution.

But it was not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits aflame with righteousness that I understood the secret of her genius and of her power. America is great because America is good. And if America ever ceases to be good, then she will also cease to be great."
I know that Glenn Beck continues to proclaim that America's citizens are good.  But to any honest outside observer, that cannot be as easily recognizable as it was to DeTocqueville.

To acquiesce to and accept without universal resistance hundreds of thousands of murders of unborn children, to acquiesce to the removal of God from our public discourse and public places, to acquiesce to a mandated definition of marriage as something abhorrent to God (His words not mine), to acquiesce to and support elected and appointed officials obviously deceitful in their claims and oaths to defend and support the principles of the Declaration of Independence as embodied and protected by the Constitution in order to receive the illicit largess their positions enable them to proffer, to acquiesce to and embrace the culture of the "prosperity gospel" rather than maintain a faithful and responsible commitment to upholding and sustaining the "biblical" foundations of our faith - upon which our nation was founded, is to guarantee that we cease to be good!

Our fall began long ago, but, as a falling body continues to accelerate, so does the slide of our nation into the abyss of godlessness, statism, and ultimately the godless imprisonment of fascism.

There are many who tout the principle of 2 Chronicles 7:14 about humbling and praying to our Great Creator for salvation, but to proclaim that as a solution without employing the principle of Micah 6:8 (paraphrase): "to live justly, love mercy and walk humbly before your God," is only to throw God's promise of mercy back in His face.  For the blessing to be given, righteousness (good) must be sought after, striven for, and to the best our abilities, practiced.

And, while I agree with Beck that many do, I fear that more do not, particularly among those we freely chose to lead and govern us.  Our government is indeed corrupt - we made it so and we must accept the responsibility!  God can save us, but He will only if we commit to the real message of 2 Chronicles 7:14: repentance.  We can go the way of Nineveh when instructed by God through Jonah, or we can go the way of the ancient nation of Israel who refused God's guidance and counsel.  Nineveh repented, survived and prospered, the nation of Israel refused to change its ways, was divided and carried in to literal captivity and slavery.

The great adversary of God makes it hard and uncomfortable to be good.  Those who strive to be so are criticized and often ostracized, persecuted and beaten down.  Such are the tactics of those who proclaim concern for the "less fortunate" while laboring for statism over freedom and dedication to goodness ["act justly (contrast with Eric Holder), love mercy (contrast with enslavement to welfare) and walk humbly before your God (contrast with  Jeremiah Wright: "G** D*** America")].

Our President bows before Kings devoted to false and unforgiving gods dedicated to the destruction of all who would follow the True God of the Bible.  For salvation, we must most humbly bow before that Great Creator of the Universe and solicit His blessings by demonstrating our devotion and commitment to His ways - the ways of goodness.

From the Aspen Grove: may this day be a good one for you, and may the Great God who loves you bless you and yours.

Thursday, June 28, 2012


Today I feel great sadness.

This sadness has been anticipated.  Since shortly before the 2010 election, through many months of reflection and thought, I have been unable (unwilling?) to post.  Now I understand.  My reluctance to communicate stemmed from the discouragement reflected in my last post - a discouragement founded in the fear that our great nation was lost.  Today, June 28, 2012, that fear was realized.  Today, that wonderful experiment called the United States of America ended in tragedy.  Today, the government founded on the premise that all men are created free, to be limited only by sufficient law to protect them from the deceit, fraud and violence of others, fell to the greed and avarice of power.  Today the rights of all men granted by their Creator were sacrificed and another nation enslaved.

Sadness because of what I believe are great difficulties ahead for me, my wonderful family - children, grand and great-grand children, and my beloved friends - my sisters and brothers who have labored long and diligently, in loving service, for the principles of peace, harmony and freedom.

Sadness because the sacrificed lives of my father and a step father and the service of another step father, grandfather, uncles and friends in military service to this nation (and so many thousands of their compatriots who also served and died in so many wars and conflicts) is now reduced to the meaninglessness of forgotten history and destroyed dreams.

And sadness simply because something wonderfully constructed through the wisdom and great effort of our founders and forefathers, at great risk and selfless sacrifice (recall General George Washington and the valiant patriots who soldiered with him at Valley Forge and through the battle of Trenton in rags, marching on frozen feet and empty stomachs) has today been pulled down and the remaining shell feels so empty, its greatness misunderstood and its promise abandoned.

I expect that I will vote in August and November, because to fail to resist, even in that small and likely insignificant way, this destructive take-over by the forces of totalitarian fascism would seem both cowardly and hypocritical.  But, I know - much as I crave to deny it - that it will be futile.  The Supreme Court today upheld the abomination known colloquially as "Obamacare" and thereby denied the wonderful promise of the Declaration of Independence and trampled the guarantees of those promises delineated in our Constitution.  No election will alter that decision.  In the United States of America the relationship between government and those governed has been fundamentally and irrevocably changed and freedom is lost.

Nor will any manner of election impede or restrict the control of those in power, in whichever of the three branches of government they serve - whatever their political affiliations, whatever their protestations to the contrary.  Those who now rule will continue to use all their power to retain their power.  They now have the means to crush any resistance and they will use it.  The system they set in motion has overwhelmed us, their deceit has carried the day.  Our trust in their patriotic natures and in their promises to act for the best interests of the citizenry have been betrayed.  They may rightly be labeled as traitors, but what matter - the light is extinguished.

History will record this day as one of great sadness.  This nation, once the light of the world, is lost.  And all men, under all governments, are once again condemned to the darkness of the rule of men instead of the rule of law!

From the Aspen Grove: may the Great God who loves you bless you and yours.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

“When principles that run against your deepest convictions begin to win the day, that battle is your calling, and peace has become sin. You must at the price of dearest peace lay your conviction bare before friend and enemy, with all the fire of your faith.” ~~ Abraham Kuyper
The teaching and instruction received in youth from one's elders linger in the recesses of the mind, and in future years influence thinking and decision making without conscious awareness.  This may be a good thing, especially if it maintains either ethical, honorable conduct, or intellectual integrity ["Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." (Proverbs 22:6)]. 
But, what if the teaching was false, taught to indoctrinate rather than educate?  Intellectual and emotional growth requires a sorting of the conflicts and correspondent modification of both thinking and behavior.
This sorting has occupied much of my conscious thinking for many months, and, I now suspect my subconscious for untold years.  As I have pondered how to respond to the conflict rending our Nation over the past three years (longer, in reality, but forcibly - even violently - apparent since the presidential election of 2008), I have struggled with what I now recognize as imbedded false principles.  My capacity to reason has been severely affected.  My capacity to act or promote action has been equally impacted.  The false principles imparted in childhood by parents and religious authorities, were in turn reinforced into to adulthood and through mid-life (age 30 - 55) by religious authority (i.e.: organization); and, they were so deeply imbedded that I did not realize the influence they were having on my thinking.
One of those principles could be expressed this way: "all things are in God's hands, and because "god-chosen (called)" or "god-serving" humans are prospective members of His eternal "nation," they are prohibited from participation in any other nation's or any other government's activities or affairs - voting, holding governmental office, serving in the military are in direct conflict with God, as those actions would put personal human judgement (you and me) in conflict with His will."  Extended meaning is implied: "humans can have no affect on the affairs of nations or governments, as timing of all nation's events and subsequent consequences are determined by God."
A second principle can be stated like this: "Biblical prophecy reveals God's intentions for all nations - bad times indicate the immediate fulfillment of (some or all) prophecy, and, as we are now in bad times (since WWI - WWII - Gulf conflicts? - - -  high inflation - bad economy - social unrest?) the "end time" is near; so, hunker down, pray more, wait for salvation; but don't do anything else for that would only "interfere" with God's plan."
In short: "whatever you do in this life, save those actions essential to the preservation of life itself (employment, some social pleasures, and church promoted and approved activities), potentially places you in conflict with God; so don't concern yourself with human affairs, God's plan will take care of everything and you can essentially remove yourself from participation or responsibility in the affairs of the day (act like the proverbial Ostrich?) and live in a peaceful, semi-real world awaiting the "end of time."
In some form, at this very moment, these principles are accepted and embraced by millions of Christian believers.  The thoughts expressed here are not intended to denigrate any of those individuals, I have no doubt their beliefs are sincere and deeply and fervently held.  I held them for many years.
To me, the most frustrating and insidious element is that a part those principles is true: "all things" are indeed in God's hands - He made us, His purpose is being carried out, and ultimately everything will work out according to that purpose.  That is every Christian's hope and prayer: ["Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven."  (Matthew 6: 9 - 10)]  Frustratingly, from that simple accurate understanding, much mischief is promoted and fostered upon sincere Christians who rely on the religious establishment to provide guidance and direction.  I was one of those, even while believing it not so.  Childhood teachings root deep and hide well.
For more than a year, since just before last year's election, I have been unable to focus my thoughts strictly enough to write, save some blog responses to others comments.  Some days I promoted enthusiastic participation in political affairs to encourage the restoration of constitutional government.  Other days I simply gave in to the pessimism of "nothing can be done to help anyway."  As I am by nature a problem solving individual with a strong conviction that perseverance answers many problems, my intellectual lethargy was debilitating, particularly as I could not understand its source.
A few days ago the quotation written above from Abraham Kuyper crossed my desk and something rolled over in my mind.  Reflecting once again on the need to fight for what is right with all one's energy stimulated a clarity of thought I had thought lost (though from this rambling prose that might be debatable).  Suppressed guilt surfaced, guilt over promoting and encouraging myself and others to fight against the adversaries of liberty in our nation.  Reflection brought to the surface the thoughts expressed previously herein, and I realized that while I had intellectually put away the Shibboleth of religious fundamentalism and intolerance, that deeply imbedded fear of placing myself in opposition to God persisted, causing confusion, apathy and lethargy.
Now I am free - I no longer accept that God commands us to completely refrain from participation in human governments!  That is a lie, taught by some men - often "religious" men, who like those who promote secular governments, want the power to control the lives (and usually the financial resources) of those they subordinate.  That religious control is no less tyranny than statist government.
If we participate in the establishment and maintenance of institutions, including national governments, that promote liberty, it is impossible to be in conflict with God.  He determined that all men live with the liberty, the freedom, to choose good or evil - a fact that is established in the Bible from the very first chapters.  He wants us to choose good, but He gave us the freedom - the liberty - to choose evil.
He purposely created us with free will, and out of love, provided us the guidance needed to make right choices.  He provided examples of both good decisions and bad, and the consequences of each, including examples of individuals who made bad choices, learned from them and subsequently changed their lives to focus on the good.  ["All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works." (2 Timothy 3: 16)].
 If this simple conclusion seems too obvious to you, if the expressions of my consternation regarding my intellectual passage appear simple, stupid or ignorant, I encourage patience and empathy, for there is a point.  A point that I believe is impacting thousands of American citizens as we strive to grasp the conflict now abroad in our land and attempt to determine what each of us should be doing to reconcile it and preserve our Nation's founding principles.
Since shortly before the 2010 election, I have read hundreds of articles and probably all or part of thousands of responses regarding, in one way or another, the preservation of America's founding principles and the restoration of a Constitutional Government (yes, I allude to the Tea Party movement, but also much more).  A Large number of comments indicate a recent awakening to the threat to liberty our nation now faces and five repeated expressions are evident: 
     1) Most of those concerned with restoring Constitutional Government have Christian/Judaic (Bible based) ethics and beliefs.
     2) A large number note how "late" they (we) have been in responding to the threat now perceived (they have played Ostrich - often expressing reasons similar to those I previously related).
     3) A corresponding number reflect the belief that God's help is essential to both protect and defend those desirous of restoring liberty, and to the ultimate achievement of that end.
     4) They desire to respond to the threat in a Godly (God favored - or with Godly character) manner (i.e.: not in the vengeful, violent, demogouging and divisive manner of those striving to increase statism and the restriction of liberty. ["Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him."  (Proverbs 26: 4)].
     5)  A large number express a concern about whether the events at hand are an indication of the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy and wonder if the "end time" is indeed at hand (many are convinced it is), often offering, more frequently implying the question: "is there anything we should or could do if that is the case? (in other words, would we be in conflict with God's intended purpose)."
The emotions aroused by the present circumstances are evident, with many expressing a commitment to action one day, followed by statements of abject defeat and futility the next.  I share those yo-yoing feelings.  What to do, what is right or wrong?  Can anything be done?  What difference can I make?  The authority of government is so pervasive, the problems so great, can there be any solution save God's direct intervention?  And, as the economic conditions continue to deteriorate and personal resources deplete, frustration and futility seem too often the prevalent perspective.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Today, the Heritage Foundation published "Solutions for America," a treatise with merit and worth review by all who believe that our country is on the wrong track and that change is needed for our very survival.  You can read it at:

The "Solutions" document was introduced on Hertiage's "Morning Bell" Blog, with some interesting introductory comments, which may be read here:

While the "Solutions" presentation distills well the problems we face and essential solutions, I see, however  two very substantial problems in their implementation.
  1. These solutions generally require Congressional action to implement, and; 
  2. The reduction of "Federal" influence and participation in our laws and lives, will simultaneously reduce the power and influence of those same congressmen and women who must take the required actions.  In part, because of the latter, the former is unlikely to occur.
Further, the voting population, as a general rule, does not understand, nor will they take the time to learn about, these critical issues.  So, while in some races, like that for Nevada Senator (Reid vs. Angle), foundational principle candidates (who might respond favorably to the changes the Solutions require) have been nominated, in most primaries established candidates, supported heavily by the Republican Party establishment, have been nominated (R.E: Missouri and the nomination of Roy Blunt - limited voting for foundational principle candidates).  RINO's will not introduce nor support the necessary changes.  They will not vote to limit Federal power and authority, nor to reduce their individual influence and power.

While the Tea Party supporters understand and advocate for real change and a return to our Federal Republic, the general voting population does not!  And there are more of them than there are of us.  While I truly respect and support Heritage's positive approach in stating the belief that Americans will do what is required for change, I question it's reallity.  From where I sit, I fear we have been too long asleep, and our previous apathy and inaction have brought us to the threshold of the abyss of tyranny.

My prayer is that God will hear our prayers, bless our actions, and, as He has done before (R.E.: WWI and WWII, etc.), lead us from the abyss and into the light of a government of rational law and order.  Without that divine intervention, while our cause is just, our army may be too limited.

This is my initial take on it - many other comments can be viewed at the "Morning Bell" link (above).  This is a subject I believe should attract the attention and interest of anyone who desires to see this great country return to its foundational principles and subsequently continue as a light and example of a law based, God centered, nation.

From the Aspen Grove: may this day be a good one for you, and may the Great God who loves you bless you and yours.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Most mornings I walk Myisha, our Jack Russel-Poodle mix, around several blocks of our neighborhood.  We often pass a house that has a sign in front declaring "In God We Trust," a sentiment I certainly support.  This frequently repeated saying, together with "God Bless America," is much on the lips and minds of hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, of Americans.

Those expressions are a reflection of the current struggle against the negative influences of recession, job loss, terrorism, rapidly increasing governmental intrusion, deteriorating foreign policy, overwhelming political correctness, unresponsive congressional representation, and many other issues.  They reflect our frustration over these circumstances which are pulling down and dividing our Nation.  To many, everything seems our of control, and our government is not providing the answers expected.  We have lost our trust and confidence in both those we have chosen to represent us and in those we have chosen to govern us.

Many recognize, I think rightly, that God aided in no small measure the establishment of this nation.  He has sustained us through a devastating "civil" war, two world wars, attacks by more powerful nations, and many other overt and covert attempts to bring this nation to its knees.  He has provided the provenance for us to prevail, prosper and expand.  He has enabled us to be a haven for the downtrodden, a beacon for the suppressed, and an example for others seeking to establish governments based on just law, fairly administered. As (what I believe to be) a reflection of His overarching purpose, we have contributed bountifully to the peace and prosperity of the world.

But, now it seems different.  Has He abandoned us?  Why does it seem that His blessing has stopped?  Is our current mix of tumultuous problems just another tough period through which He will carry us - another dark period from which He will provide escape that we may again light the world?  Or, is something much more elemental, even ominous, at hand?

With many others, I have focused much energy on political solutions and answers (please see my Blog posting of July 24: "Can the Foundation of Our Nation Be Preserved?")  As a result of this focus, I have now come to believe that the problem lies not in the physical, but rather in our spiritual perspective.  While we individually and jointly repeatedly cry out: "God Bless America," and, as frequently proclaim: "In God we Trust," I think it possible that the former cannot occur, because, from a national perspective, the latter may simply be not true!

In understanding God's blessing of our nation for these many years, we need to view it from a simple, unchanging, perspective: our Creator is a God of law.  He is rational, reasonable, and faithful to His promises.  His law is immutable.  It must be, for the benefit of the creation He loves.

When obeyed, His laws produce blessings, when violated penalties are exacted.  It is automatic, inherent in the law or principle.  Consider the law of Gravity.  It cannot be abrogated or ignored.  Jump off a high building and the penalty is severe injury, even death.  It matters not whether one jumps on purpose, falls by accident, or is pushed by another - the penalty is imposed, automatically.  God cannot suspend the law of gravity because we are nice folks, or because we are ignorant of the law, or because we are being affected by anther's malice, or any other reason.  For the earth to function as a home for humankind, the law of gravity must be constant and unchanging.

This applies to all of God's laws and precepts.  He put them in place for our blessing.  Violations produce penalties.  “If you fully obey the LORD your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations on earth.” (De 28:1 NIVUS)  “However, if you do not obey the LORD your God and do not carefully follow all his commands and decrees I am giving you today, all these curses will come upon you and overtake you...” (De 28:15 NIVUS). 

God does not single us out and punish us when we violate one of those laws.  The blessing or penalty attached to His laws are automatic, common to all and apply equally to all.   “No temptation [trial] has seized you except what is common to man.” (1Co 10:13 NIVUS).

So, if our nation constructs and administers laws - or sanctions, encourages and condones social behavior and standards - in conflict with His immutable laws, there can be only one outcome.  The penalty of violating the laws He established will be exacted, automatically.  If that were not the case, His promises to us could never be trusted!

God does not, simply cannot, approve our current disregard for the sanctity of life, the rejection of the concept of marriage as a relationship of one man and one woman, unjust application and enforcement of law, business and government motivated primarily by greed, ingrained lying and deceit by governing officials and leaders, insatiable focus on sex and rampant lawless promoted in books, movies and television, and all the other things that we know are violations of the basic law He established: "to love one another - to treat one another as we would be treated."  But, until now it seems He has been willing to continue to protect and sustain our nation, all the while allowing us opportunity to overcome and change.  That does not imply that no penalty has been exacted for the violation of these  laws and principles by individuals.  Many thousands have paid the penalties for the violations of God's laws of love.  The principle of blessings and cursings cannot be suspended in some cases and applied in others.  But His blessing and support of our nation has been constant, until recently.

I believe our collective failure (me, you and all the other citizens of the United States) to resist these wrong practices is a simple, fundamental, statement that we no longer desire or trust Him to aid in establishing the laws and precepts which govern our land.  And, in our apathy or unconcern, we reject His guiding hand!

In the first paragraph of the Declaration of Independence we declare that our right to establish our nation is derived from: "...the Laws of Nature and Nature's God..."   In the second paragraph we assert that: "...we are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable Rights."  Our Constitution was constructed around the belief that we are a nation dependent upon, and willing to follow God.  We must hold to and reestablish those principles and rid each of the three branches of our government of those who will not adhere to them, else God sees that we no longer seek to follow Him!  In his Farewell Address, George Washington said: "...of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indespensible..."  Our foundng fathers understood, and we must once again embrace, that God promises blessings to those who follow His precepts - we must trust Him enough to believe that promise and subsequently structure the law of our land accordingly. 

It seems to me that too few are willing to actively and forcefully speak out and address this issue head on.  The "Tea Party Movement" (which I heartily applaud and endorse) is talking about this, but is more focused on other, less spiritual, concerns.  And, several individuals of national influence (Sara Palin and Glen Beck quickly come to mind) are trying diligently to move us toward a more "Godly" perspective (yes, I know that using these words may be politically incorrect).  But the majority of U.S. citizens seem unaware, or are simply not sufficiently concerned enough to speak out forcefully and with conviction in support of restoring God's values to our nation.

So, while we, individually, grouse and complain about the loss of "foundational" principles, the disregard for the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, the growth of government and its intervention into our lives, the crushing national debt, the increased threat of terrorism, and a myriad of other issues - all reasonable and justifiable concerns - we have failed to act.  We have not acted; we have not petitioned, voted, demonstrated, insisted, that our nation be set back on God's path.  And, from my perspective, until we do God cannot "Bless America."

We have abandoned the spiritually based governing principles He imparted to us more than 230 years ago - principles based on the belief in a supreme creator God who granted us those inalienable rights we cherish, and our preference for His guidance in our deliberations and governing.  And we are paying the price as certainly as we would had we jumped from the highest building in the land!

While there may be other explanations for the decline of our nation over the last twenty-five years, history provides some instruction relating to this premise.  God established a nation to honor Him and represent His ways to the rest of the world some 3,500 years ago - the original nation of Israel.  He promised blessings if they collectively obeyed His laws and precepts, and cursings if they did not.  He gave them many opportunities, granted forgiveness many times.  But, when they hardened their hearts to His counsel, the penalties of lawlessness were exacted.  The nation collapsed and its citizens were hauled off into captivity and scattered throughout the world.  This example was recorded for our instruction, that we might learn and choose different paths.

I believe that God established, for the second time, a nation to represent His values, love and bounty at the founding of the United State of America.  For many decades, in spite of struggling to overcome vices common to man, our nation represented His values to the rest of the world.  We were blessed, in spite of our failings.  We were the light of the world, in the sense of a government established to preserve and protect those inalienable rights granted to us by Him.  We were the demonstration, the validity, the proof, that a nation willing to submit to His guidance would be blessed and prosper.  Now we have strayed too far from Him and the blessings have ceased.

Finally, consider another biblical history lesson which may apply to us now.  Most of us learned as children the story of Jonah being swallowed by the "big fish."   But there was another point to that story beyond Jonah's problems.  It was the lawlessness of the nation of Nineveh.  Jonah was told by God to warn them, to tell them that they had strayed too far from His paths, and that they faced destruction if they did not turn back to following God.  They listened.  They changed.  They were not then destroyed.

These stories from history are true.

So, then the questions: can God bless America?  I do not believe He can now.  Not until we choose to change the direction our nation is going.  I am firmly and absolutely convinced that God's blessing of our nation has ceased because we have turned away from Him!  His laws are immutable, the attached blessings and penalties are automatic.

Will His blessings be restored?  They certainly can be.  Whether they will be is up to us.

These are my thoughts - what do you think?  If you agree, are you willing to work, pray, and perhaps to fight, to change our nation's path?  If you disagree, are you willing to gamble the prosperity, and perhaps the lives, of millions of people - are you willing to risk that America's light to the world may be forever dimmed - to support and sustain those actions and lifestyles which of themselves are only harmful, and which produce no long term positive results for anyone?  Which way makes sense?

Please think about this.  As it was in ancient Israel and Ninevah: so may it very well be for us today. 

From the Aspen Grove: may this day be a good one for you, and may the Great God who loves you bless you and yours.

Friday, July 30, 2010


Struggling from the last grasps of sleep, I heard the faint scratching on the tent flap.  Grandpa!  Last night as I left the campfire to bed down, Grandpa asked me to join him for an early walk before breakfast.  Eagerly I had answered YES.  Time alone with him was a precious thing, always fun, and sometimes exciting.
Grandpa was special - in most of the ways Grandpas are supposed to be special, but also in many other ways that were unique.  For instance, he slept very little, not more that four hours a night; usually from about 1:00 am to 5:00 am.  And he read voraciously.  But never fiction - only what could inform, educate, and teach him.  And, I truly believe, he had no fear.  A belief that was confirmed to me the day he confronted the mother black bear with a cub.  But, that's another story, and while I'll never forget it, what I remember most about him was his oneness with the forest.

I don't remember any situation in which he appeared uncomfortable.  Whether with his children and grandchildren on Saturday evening gatherings, or slipping in for a single Boilermaker with Dad and me at the Rock Tavern while away from Grandma's view on a Saturday afternoon (though I think she always knew and tolerated this breach of her rules concerning the evils of drink).  Or, beneath the hood of the ever present Packard automobile in his driveway (I've been told he was one of the best Packard mechanics ever to raise the hood on those fine vehicles - never just cars, but always fine automobiles to Grandpa (and now, forever, to me).

In the forest, however, he was a different and unique creature.  And there - in the woods - is where
I remember him most vividly.  He belonged there as no other human I have ever met.  Dad and his brother Max were outstanding woodsmen, and like them I grew to love the forest more than any other place; but Grandpa was truly a part of the forest, just like the trees.

In terms of forest elements I tend to think of him as an Aspen, with green and golden leaves reflecting the sunlight, softly "quaking" in the soft mountain breezes (he taught me why the Aspens are called "Quakers," standing quietly motionless beside me, helping me to hear the unique sound as he did).

Most people think that Aspen, Colorado, takes its name from those magnificent trees, but Grandpa told me the real story about that one day on a ski lift above that then small, quaint and quiet village.  But that too is another story for another telling.

Quietly, careful not to wake my parents and sister, I gathered my clothes and slipped from the tent.  The pre-dawn Colorado morning was cloudless, crisp and refreshing.  While the August sun had not yet stretched above the adjacent peaks, the clear sky was showing blue, and Grandpa was eager to be off, hurrying me to dress.  With shirt and pants on and my 12 year old mind struggling to come full awake, my fingers seemed to forever fumble over socks and the laces on my sneakers.  Grandpa stepped into the forest.  "I'll go slow, so you can catch up," he said as I sat on  one of he damp logs surrounding the ashes of last night's campfire, fumbling fingers moving all the slower as I tried to hurry.

For some reason that day seemed more than just another day of camping out with the Grandparents.  Looking back over what has now become decades, I can't explain how I sensed it, but that day was the last in which we would share time alone, just the two of us together, in his beloved forest.  My boyhood was rapidly approaching the busy teenage years, filled with school and cars, sports outings and young love; running to catch what was never catchable.  Of course, that morning I didn't foresee all that was to happen in my young life; perhaps he had a premonition, or maybe just an understanding that comes with the widsom born from age.  But I knew that day - that time - was important and valuable beyond my youthful understanding.  I wasn't about to miss one moment.

My eyes tried to follow the direction he took while also looking at what I was doing.   My head bobbed like the pine boughs above in the morning breeze, looking up to focus on his receding back, then down again to fix my shoes.  Finally ready, I looked up - and he was gone.  Vanished.  Vanished into the woods.  Into the forest that was truly his natural home.

In a forest, most of us walk through the trees.  But when he walked within it he "joined" the forest as one of it's integrated components.  Though he never used such language, he taught me as much as I could absore of that environement.  Sometimes with words.  Often without, as he touched the leaves of a Scrub Oak or the aromatic needles on an aging Lodgepole Pine.  When he squatted on his haunches, close to the long grass in an Aspen grove, or near the small fragile high meadow flowers above timber line, he seemed to connect with all that lived in his surroundings - understanding their reason for being in that specific place, and relishing the unique and special beauty they each willing shared with us.  He was never a trespasser in their world.  And, while I feel at home in the woods, in great measure because of his teaching, I don't believe I will ever be a part of it as he was.

I sat stunned.  The feelings of sadness, frustration, even anger, rushed through me as quickly as light flashes from water drops bouncing off the rocks of a rushing mountain stream in bright morning sunlight.  I stared dumbly at the last space in the forest I had seen him.  He said he'd go slow - he said he'd wait.  But he had left me behind.  I had failed the test - I wasn't ready yet to stay with him through the forest.

I remember walking
in the woods with Grandpa as far back as I can remember anything.  Often we walked with my father, three "men" together, although I'm sure that at five and six years of age, or even later while hunting at age 14 or 15, it was only I who believed there were three "men."  Usually we just walked, frequently pausing to sense and see the creatures moving and standing around us as we passed.  When we spoke it was softly, gently, so as not to disturb those whose presence we had come to share and enjoy.  Though Dad told me that Grandpa liked to fish (I remember "catching" my first fish on a safety pin hook and marshmallow bait - learning at about 16 who really put the fish on that hook while Dad had my attention elsewhere); and though they - later we - hunted deer and elk each fall, most of our time in the woods was just walking and watching.

Grandpa taught me how to watch - how to see all of the forest.  Many sights are easily overlooked and unseen if you don't know how or where to look.  And often, seeing in the forest is being still and quiet and simply listening.  I know that Dad also taught me many of those lessons.  But, of course, he too had learned from Grandpa, and my memories of the lessons learned most often seem to be those from Grandpa himself, even when the three of us were together.

He often demonstrated a unique relationship with the little creatures.  When we stopped to rest or watch, if I could be still enough, the ground squirrels and chipmunks came to him.  Approaching his outstretched hand they sniffed his fingers.  Gathering his scent and quiet manner, they seemed to know he was one of them.  Sometimes he held a treat for them, other times he was just making friends.  He could touch them; talk to them, occasionally even pet them.  I saw wild squirrels climb his arm and perch on his shoulder.  I have read of others who possess this unique ability to communicate with wild creatures, but I witnessed it only with Grandpa.  And try as I might, I have never been able to do it myself.  If it is a gift, he most certainly had it.  If it is understanding and love, then he truly was wise beyond most.

Then, my stare began to focus - as he had taught me.  Seeking what most eyes do not see: a shape, a silhouette, a shade or color that is different or separate.  As the first of his many lessons registered in my awakening mind, I began to think - and then to see.  And finally, as he had intended, seeing with young eyes and mind in training, he reappeared.  He stood still as the trees surrounding him, immobile as it seemed only Grandpa could stand, watching something I could not see - waiting for me.  I moved to him, finally fully awake - reasoning and truly seeing - ready for the day and the spectacular sunrise about to encompass us; ready for more lessons from the master woodsman.

I remember little more about that specific day.  That day and the lessons taught have merged with other days and other times.  But, when I think about that day, that moment when fear and self doubt turned to clear vision and joy, I understand again the point of all his lessons.

Now, with grandchildren of my own to love and teach, I hope I can leave them with the love of the earth and the creation around us that he was able to so uniquely share.  And, perhaps that most important lesson: a clear and reasoning mind using its senses to see what is truly there, understanding how we fit with all that surrounds us.

From the Aspen Grove: may this day be a good one for you, and may the Great God who loves you bless you and yours.