Statement of Faith


Several years ago I came to realize that, to a greater extent than I had formerly recognized or understood (or perhaps wanted to admit), the fundamentals of my spiritual beliefs had been established in support of organizational doctrine and not necessarily from documentable, verifiable truth. I found that seeking "truth" separate from the need to support doctrinal points established by a "church," (often for the unstated purpose of establishing its identity as "The exclusive organization of God on earth") resulted in beliefs different (sometimes substantially different) from than those which I previously professed.

The Statement of Faith that follows, then, is a statement of the fundamental elements of my beliefs separate from membership or association with any organized group or entity. Though it has no doubt been influenced by the various teachings of all the organizations of my prior association, it does not reflect any organization. All would, without doubt, refute some of my understandings, claiming them as falsehood or even heresy.

I recognize that every individual must determine how they are to conduct their lives, upon what foundation they are to build, and what hope they hold for the future. My choice is to live as a Christian - a belief based on the teachings of the Bible which contains both a philosophy for life on a daily basis, and a hope for life after death. This Statement of Faith represents the foundation of the way I choose to live my life. It describes what I believe is God's relationship to humans, our relationship to Him, and our relationship to our fellows.

I offer this Statement with no intent to cause discord, nor to promote conflict in any organization or among any group of believers. I do encourage comment, suggestions, debate, even argument in the classical sense, when offered in love and a genuine desire to promote increased understanding of God's purpose and each of our parts in it. I fully recognize that I have a limited understanding, and that God is continuing to work with me. In the future as in the past, my beliefs are subject to change as God provides increased understanding. Therefore, this statement, while reflecting beliefs I hold to be foundational, is subject to modification and refinement and is not offered as the "sole" truth of God exclusive from His work with others, or His work with groups, associations, and organizations. Above all I believe God to be loving and merciful, faithful to His creation, desirous that all would live with Him in peace and harmony forever. It is my hope to share that future with all of His creation.




There is one God, the source and father of all creation. He alone is immortal, and in Him rests all life. He is unique, is all powerful, and represents love in the fullest sense. He has revealed to us many of His qualities, but reserves understanding of all that He is or all that He purposes for His creation. He is silent and invisible to the creation, but speaks to and is seen by the creation through His son, Jesus Christ.


Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God. He represents the invisible God to the creation. He is man's savior. He was begotten by God, His and our Father, and born of a virgin mother. He lived a perfect physical life, followed by death and resurrection, thereby redeeming all humankind from the penalty of sin and providing for the application of God's grace to man. As a man he founded the Church of God, often called the Body of Christ, upon the Rock of God his father. Since his resurrection he is seated at the right hand of God, on His throne, acting as mediator between God and humankind and from where he administers the Church.


The Holy Spirit is the active force of God, also called the spirit of Christ. It is the force or power by which God acts upon, or in, His creation. It is the comforter sent by Christ to humankind after his resurrection, and the means he uses to lead and instruct those called by God to him. It is imparted to individual men following repentance, usually following baptism. Through it God writes His laws and instructions upon the hearts of humankind. By it both God the Father and Christ the Son and Savior are enabled to dwell within the receptive, faithful follower.


The Bible is God's revealed instruction to humankind. It was written by various men, under the inspiration of God and includes the Old and New Testaments (the Hebrew Scriptures and the Apostolic Writings or Greek Scriptures). It is the foundation of all human knowledge and reveals the purpose of creation, the plan of God, God's relationship with the creation, and God's law of love. It was written for the direction, inspiration and encouragement of humankind.


God created humankind in His image to become a part of His family. He created Adam and Eve as the first humans, instructed them in His purpose and desired way of life, and established a relationship with them. He gave them free will to choose whether to follow His ways or choose their own.

Under the influence of Satan (an angel and son of God who rebelled against God's rule and law and attempted to usurp God's authority), they chose to determine for themselves right and wrong, rather than to follow God's instructions. Their choice, original human sin - rebellion against God's Law of Love - closed off all humankind's opportunity to become a part of God's family.

Since Christ's resurrection, those who are called to a relationship with him by God, and positively respond to that calling, have become a part of God's family - in part. They will become fully a part of God's family as children (heirs) of God at their resurrection which occurs when Christ returns to earth a second time to depose Satan and assume rulership of the earth. At that time they will be resurrected as spiritual beings fully becoming Sons of God and receiving eternal life. They will assist Christ in governing the earth for a period of one thousand years without Satan's rebellious influence, teaching all humankind the ways and laws of God.

Following the one thousand years, all the rest of humanity who have ever lived will be resurrected and taught God's ways and laws, also without Satan's influence. Those who choose God's way will be changed into spirit beings and will join those of the first resurrection as a part of God's family. While God desires all to respond to Him and His ways, those few who choose to oppose Him will be (mercifully) forever destroyed, together with Satan and the other angels who rebelled with him.

Christ will then return all rule to God the Father, who will establish His throne on the earth where He will rule and govern, carrying out His purpose for all eternity, together with those who have become His family.

This Plan of God is pictured by seven Holy Days which He instructed the nation of Israel to specially observe during the course of each year. Some groups of Christians today also observe these days as Holy, though the specific timing of those days varies among groups and cannot be absolutely determined from scripture.


As a part of His plan for creation, God established His law. This eternal law has existed since the beginning of creation, and was established for its benefit and well being. The Biblical statement that the love of God is to keep His commandments has a two fold meaning. We demonstrate our love to God by our obedience. But equally important, God's love to us is demonstrated by His law, in that all His blessings for us result in the keeping of those same commandments. In His laws then is the infinite and complete circle of blessings. Essentially consisting of two basic elements, love of God and love of fellow, the Commandments of God define the parameters of stable loving relationships between all parts of His creation as well as between the creation and God. Obedience guarantees a loving relationship with God and with our fellows.

Obedience to God's law does not provide salvation, but rather produces happiness and peace of mind. Obedience is simultaneously a demonstration of our love for God and His ways, and a receipt of His gifts and blessings. His law proves His love as much as creation itself proves His existence. The recognition of God's love in His law becomes the assurance of His consummate concern for His creation and His desire to fellowship with the creation throughout all of eternity.
His law demonstrates His concern for us.

Striving to keep it requires the submission of self to the benefit of others. It constantly reminds us that He is both originator and supreme keeper of the law, thereby continually demonstrating His commitment to our well being as part of His family. His grace extended to us, by virtue of the sacrifice of His own son (and by which we are granted salvation - as a gift from God) proves that He has and will observe the commandments for our benefit even as He desires that we keep them, also for our benefit. Indeed, God's law is continuing validation that God Himself is love in all its components!


The Church of God is a spiritual organism composed of those individuals who freely choose to live by the rule and law of God. Membership is determined by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, given by God.

The Church was founded by Christ, during his physical presence on earth, upon the Rock that is God the Father. Christ alone is the head of the Church. He encourages men to fellowship in peace, harmony, unity, and consensus within the bounds of physical organizations. So long as this fellowship recognizes the absolute headship of Christ, not supposing to supplant it with the authoritative headship (or leadership) of any man or group of men designating themselves as the chosen, or ordained, earthly leader or spokesman for Christ and God, the fellowship can be acknowledged as a part of the Church of God.

I acknowledge that the Church in this age consists of many groups and fellowships, throughout the world. They consist of large and small groups, formally and informally associated under a variety of names. Members of the Church - members of the Family of God - recognize one another by their shared understanding of fundamental beliefs. Those beliefs are established by the essential acknowledgment of the essence of, and incumbent necessity to live according to, the Commandments of God. While those who fellowship in groups professing that acknowledgment may have some differing views or understandings of the Bible (due to the confusing influence of Satan in this age), they identify themselves as brethren of the same family by their non-judgmental willingness and desire to fellowship with other individuals and groups who also seek to expand their relationship with God and fellow based on the principles of peaceful association, forgiveness, loving consideration, and a sincere desire for truth in both understanding and association.

Finally, while the Church of God is by definition, Christian and law abiding, members of the Church recognize the overriding unity of mankind created by God in loving desire to form His family, regardless of current religion or beliefs, race, wealth, nationality, or lifestyle. The Church of God knows irrevocably, and eternally, that God's purpose is to unite all His creation as members of His family for purposes yet to be revealed. Therefore, all the creation is sacred to God and the duty of all mankind is to so regard all others, treating one another with dignity, respect, consideration, forgiveness and compassion.


History of Association and Fellowship

The above Statement of Faith represents the foundational beliefs of Bill Anderson.

At age fifteen I dedicated my life to the service of God - in the belief that I should make His will the priority of my life, and His instruction the guide of my behavior.

Since that time I have married and together my wonderful wife and I reared three children (two of whom survive, together with eight grandchildren), teaching them as best we were able, that our creator God has a plan and a purpose for all His creation. This Statement represents an understanding of what I believe to be revealed truth, communicated by God through the pages of the Holy Bible, and essentially represents the fundamental truths we imparted to our children.

I have associated and maintained fellowship with three separate major religious groups, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (Jehovah's Witnesses), the Worldwide Church of God (founded as the Radio Church of God by Herbert W. Armstrong), and the United Church of God, an International Association, (one of the groups resulting from the WCG repudiation of their fundamental beliefs in the mid 1990's).

From Jehovah's Witnesses, as a teenager, together with my parents, I first learned of God's love for His creation and gained the beginnings of our understanding of His purpose for humanity. During my association with this group I declared my desire to serve God and live my life in accordance with His will by being publicly baptized by immersion. Several years later, I ended my association with this group at their suggestion, because of differences in understanding of some specific and fundamental doctrinal issues. Some sixteen years after our separation from the Society, they chose to disfellowship me from their organization, thereby effectively ending, by their prohibition, any normal relationship with my natural family who, by free choice, continued association with the organization.

About twelve years after leaving the Watchtower Society, I received a subscription to the Plain Truth magazine (then published in tabloid format by the Worldwide Church of God) which once again stimulated my study of God's word, and subsequently stimulated me to address some of the fundamental understandings I had of His purpose, His laws, and my relationship with Him. After more than a year of intensive study, during which I substantially modified my beliefs about how God is working with humanity, I was again baptized by immersion, this time according to the instructions given in Matthew 28: 19-20.

Following this baptism I experienced the "laying on of hands," according to biblical guidelines and first century Church of God example, thereby receiving the Holy Spirit and simultaneously becoming a member of the Church of God - not a physical organization, but the spiritual organism often called the "Body of Christ" in the New Testament ( Apostolic Writings or Greek Scriptures). Thereafter I began my association with the Worldwide Church of God.

I maintained that association for 17 years, during the time our children grew to adulthood. I served in four local congregations, under the loving leadership of seven full time ministers employed by the WCG. However, in 1995 it became evident to me (and thousands of others) that the administration of the WCG, under the direction of Joseph W. Tkach and his son (following the death of Herbert W. Armstrong in 1992) had repudiated the fundamental doctrinal beliefs we held as the foundation of our "faith."  I ended my association with WCG as I had the Watchtower Society, in an attempt to maintain an understanding of truth.  Or perhaps more accurately stated, recognizing that I was (and remain) imperfect in my individual understanding of all biblical truth, I left in an effort to flee from wrong teachings that distorted the love of God and His plan for humanity.

Within a few weeks I became aware of the initial formative process of what was to become the United Church of God, an International Association. Based on my understandings of both their doctrinal and organizational perspectives I formally associated with the group as a "charter" member in 1995. I served in two congregations during which time I watched the leadership of the organization gradually but continually repudiate the organizational concepts initially embraced. Concepts which I believed approximated the organization of the first century Church of God - concepts rooted in the love of God and fellow, which promote association and administration through collaboration and cooperation among equal brethren. In mid 1998, after the Council of Elders literally tore apart a local congregation (not the first) to impose their concept of organizational unity through their increasingly harsh authoritative and hierarchical control upon the membership, I chose to end fellowship with the group.  I do, however, maintain a deep concern and an abiding love for the brethren who remained within that association - as well as those within the WCG and other WCG offshoots - and, though they might not acknowledge it, those in the Watchtower Society. During the last few years renewed relationships have been established with many, except those from the Watchtower Society.

At that point in my spiritual development, I had the need, and the desire, to establish my fundamentals of belief, my Statement of Faith, separate from membership in or the influence of any organized religion, but hopefully, fully within the folds of the Church of God, that spiritual entity referred to in scripture as the Body of Christ which I believe has existed for some two thousand years under the leadership of Jesus Christ administered from the throne and right hand of the Eternal God and Father of all. The result of that need and desire is the preceding Statement of Faith.

To those who have perused the thoughts of this spiritual wanderer, I hope that my thoughts and beliefs can contribute to the development of yours, and that God will bless you as abundantly as He has me.